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The World of Illusion Knitting

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This report was sent to us by Jill Dexter in June 2001

Click on small pictures for an enlargement.

The aim was to create an Afghan out of 96 squares in school colours. All the children in year 6 had to knit a square, half in yellow and half in blue. We started with one stitch and increased until there was about 21 stitches on the needle then decreased until only one stitch remained, then cast off. A template was used to check that each square was the same size.

As well as the knitting we also did some maths!

We worked out how many stitches were in each square using Triangular numbers, and then how many stitches were in all the squares.

We worked out the amount of wool in each square, and then how many balls we would need for the whole panel.

We worked out how many stitches would be picked up around the edge for the border.

Everyone made a design for the 96 squares and a democratic vote provided us with the design to be made.

All this was achieved in 1 week, with a further 2 weeks for the stitching together, the knitting of the border, and the mounting of the completed panel.
