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Yet again, John Sharp was influential in a design. He introduced us to D-Forms created by an architect named Tony Wills. The photograph which produced the original inspiration was of a 3D structure where a square had been joined to a circle. The square rose up to a point in the centre and the circle curved to follow the four sides of the square.

We experimented with joining circles, and other shapes, to squares to make an afghan rather than a 3D shape. Working in crochet is possible to make several different polygons with the same perimeter. These can then be joined together stitch-by-stitch. We tried many different combinations but they all looked much the same and not very interesting

Eventually the design was simplified to its most basic form and all of the shapes became squares. Joining the squares in any way other than side-by-side in straight rows means that they are automatically deformed. Turning half of them through 45 degrees, so that the corner of one joins to the mid-point of a side of another, gives the maximum amount of distortion.

We went for turning half the squares in this way, leaving the others in the normal edge-to-edge arrangement, to provide a ‘background’ to be distorted.